Press Kit
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The Romantic Spirit
Sample Program 2010-2011
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Musical Reviews
The Magic of the Harp
Ensemble Repertoire
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"The harp that once through Tara’s halls,
The soul of music shed…"
Memories of a paradise lost and legends of a proud bardic past conjure visions of a mythical instrument that can only be wrested from its lofty perch, with its ancient magic still intact, through renewed dancing of the hands upon the strings. The harp’s historic connections to our collective unconscious offer a pathway to a deeply cathartic experience, in the heart as in the flesh. Given its slightly delayed yet prolonged resonance, the harp demands a new way of listening, from the inside out. But the right songs must be found to unlock its secret power and restore the spell…
Harpist, scholar, writer and composer Dominique Piana has spent a lifetime exploring music literature to find and experiment with the highest expressions of the human soul. She has drawn upon her multi-cultural European background and her American pioneering spirit to distill the meaning of life in the unique ways that only Music can articulate so universally. No stone has been left unturned on this passionate quest, and her art has benefitted from inroads into the realms of poetry, history and psychology. All along, her main thrust as a musician has been to foster the resurgence of “sentiment”, and as a harpist, to find all the ways to make the harp truly sing.
Nonetheless, the last word has not yet been said. Even if we find sweetness and solace in the memories of old, the world desperately needs new stories, and a new kind of song, to usher in true change.
To schedule a booking, contact Dominique directly.